meeting between faculties of fudan law school and university of bergen-yb亚博全站首页

meeting between faculties of fudan law school and university of bergen

updated: 03,22,2023

on march 10th 2023, the director of norwegian china law centre, professor bjørnar borvik visited the nordic center and discussed further cooperation in more areasbetween fudan law school and university of bergen with professor chen li, the vice dean of law school, and associate professor shen hao, who is an expert in environmental law. ms. wen song from office of globla partnerships fudan university and mr. ma wei from the nordic center fudan university also attended the meeting.

since the year of 2016, fudan university law school has been working closely with university of bergen on the student exchange program based on agreements signed by both parties. in this meeting with professor bjørnar borvik, the two sides recognized the fruits achieved through their cooperation. they have also reached a consensusthat, on the basis of the current exchange program, it is necessary to promote degree-granting programs for students, exchange programs for faculty members, and academic cooperation. both sides are looking forward to collaborations in more areas in the near future.

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