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case 1 the case of catharine holland v. portugal (1595-1602) analysis and discussion relations of inter-european nations in grotius time the freedom of trade and navigation by see dispute settlement by war or court law of war and peace definition of international law epps international law introduction section 2 sources of international law case 2 river st. lawrence us v. uk (1824) analysis and discussion natural law vs. positive law modern sources of international law applicable law for dispute settlement by icj case 3 north sea continental shelf case germany v. denmark and netherlands (1969, icj) analysis and discussion treaty v. custom what�s the customary international law? epps international law chapter 1 sources of international law abstract of case 3 epps pp.22-26. prefer to download judgment from icj website week 2 section 3 general principles of international law and ius cogens case 4 genocide case bosnia-herzegovina v. yugoslavia (1996 �icj) bosnia-herzegovina v. serbia/montenegro (2007, icj) case 5 barcelona traction case belgium v. spain (1963, icj) case 6 case concerning gabcikovo-nagymaros project hungary v. slovakia (1997, icj) analysis and discussion general principles of united nations charter what s ius cogens? what s erga omnes� epps international law chapter 3 the law of treaty abstract of case 4 (1996) epps pp.92-95. case 6 pp.85-91 prefer to download judgments of case 4 (2007) and case 6 (epps pp.85-91) from icj website section 4 international law and domestic law case 7 us � section 310 trade act european community v. us (2000, wto) case 8 the paquete habana (175 u.s. 677, 1900) case 9 china-measures affecting imports of automobile parts us v. china (2008, wto) analysis and discussion what�s the principle under the wto agreement in respect of international law and domestic law? what�s the constitutional status of international law in us? what�s the constitutional status of international law in china? epps international law chapter 1 sources of international law week 3 section 5 the subject of international law case 10 western sahara (advisory opinion of 16 october 1975, icj) case 11 reference re secession of quebec (supreme court of canada 1998) case 12 according with international law of the unilateral declaration of independence in respect of kosovo (advisory opinion of 22 july 2010, icj) analysis and discussion the concept of subject of international law the conditions of being a state what�s the right of a people to self-determination? what�s international law of the unilateral declaration of independence? epps international law chapter 7 international legal personality prefer to download advisory opinion of case 12 from icj website section 6 jurisdiction and state immunity case 13 the lotus case france v. turkey (1927) case 14 case concerning the arrest warrant of 11 april 2000 democratic republic of the congo v. belgium (2002, icj) analysis and discussion criminal jurisdiction of national court territorial principle nationality principle protective principle universality principle state immunity and exceptions epps international law chapter 4 jurisdiction abstract of case 14 epps pp.122-127. prefer to download judgment from icj website week 4 section 7 state responsibility case 15 the corfu channel case united kingdom v. albania (1949 icj) case 16 ruling pertaining to the differences between france and new zealand from the rainbow warrior affair 26 i.l.m 1349 (1987) analysis and discussion what are the preliminary rules and secondary rules in respect of state responsibility? what�s international wrongful act? what are the consequences of an international wrongful act? epps international law chapter 4 jurisdiction chapter 7 � p. 269 state responsibility abstract of case 15 epps pp.193-194, pp.240-242 prefer to download judgment from icj website section 8 individual in international law case 17 nottebohm case liechtenstein v. guatemala (1955, icj) case 18 asylum case colombia v. peru (1950, icj) analysis and discussion the status of individual in international law the law of nationality the legal status of alien asylum and extradition epps international law chapter 4 jurisdiction abstract of case 17 epps pp.270-276. prefer to download judgment from icj website week 5 section 9 human rights case 19 camargo (on behalf of guerrero) v. colombia (hrc 1982) case 20 lovelace v. canada (hrc, 1981) case 21 soering case (echr 1989) analysis and discussion the human right in legal philosophy human rights in international law the universal declaration of human right and human rights conventions the regional human rights conventions and the enforcement mechanism epps international law chapter 8 human rights section 10 territory in international law case 22 island of palmas (miangas) case netherland v. us (pca 1928) case 23 legal status of eastern greenland demark v. norway (pcij, 1933) case 24 minquiers and ecrehos case france v. uk (1953, icj) case 25 sovereignty over pedra branca/pulau batu puteh, middle rocks and south ledge malaysia/singapore (2008 icj) analysis and discussion the significance of territory in international law the international laws of territory epps international law chapter 2 title to territory abstract of case 25 epps pp.41-44. prefer to download judgment from icj website week 6 section 11 the law of sea case 26 anglo-norwegian fisheries case uk v. norway (1951, icj) case 27 case concerning the continental shelf tunisia v. libyan �1981 �icj � case 28 the saiga case, st. vincent and the grenadines v. guinea (1999, itlos) analysis and discussion what s the baseline of territorial sea? what s international law on continental shelf? what�s hot pursuit? epps international law chapter 5 the law of sea section 12 the air law and space law case 29 aerial incident of 3 july 1988 iran v. us (1996, icj) analysis and discussion the division of air space and its significance in international law international air laws the law of outer space week 7 section 13 international environmental laws case 30 trail smelt case us v. canada (1941, int�l arb.) case 31 us- standards for reformulated and conventional gasoline us. v. brazil and venezuela (1996 �wto) analysis and discussion . international protection for environment protection for environment of soil protection for environment of water protection for bio-environment epps international law chapter 6 international environmental law section 14 the laws of diplomatic relation case 32 case concerning united states diplomatic and consular staff in tehran us v. iran (1980 icj) analysis and discussion diplomatic relation and international relation vienna convention for diplomatic relation vienna convention for consular relation what are legal issues of tehran case? epps international law chapter 4 jurisdiction abstract of case 32 epps pp.140-144. prefer to download judgment from icj website week 8 section 15 the laws of treaty case 33 case concerning the territorial dispute libya v. chad �1994, icj � case 34 case concerning avena and other mexican nationals mexico v. us (2004, icj) case 35 reservations to the convention on the prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide (advisory opinion, icj 1951) analysis and discussion . the role and status of treaty in international law vienna convention for the law of treaty what are the rules of interpretation of treaty? epps international law chapter 3 the law of treaty abstract of case 34 epps pp.66-80. prefer to download judgment from icj website section 16 the laws of international organization case 36 reparations for injuries suffered in the service of the united nations (advisory opinion, icj 1949) analysis and discussion the status and functions of international organization the categories of international organization the general operating mechanism of international organization the purposes and principles of the united nations the membership of the united nations and its operating structure epps international law chapter 7 international legal personality week 9 section 17 international law of peaceful settlement of disputes case 37 norwegian loans case france v. norway (icj, 1957) case 38 case concerning military and paramilitary activities in and against nicaragua nicaragua v. us (1984, icj) analysis and discussion the concept of international dispute the principles of peaceful settlement of international disputes the international court of justice as a judicial body to peacefully settle international disputes what�s jurisdiction of icj? epps international law chapter 9 the peaceful settlement of dispute abstract of case 38 epps pp.393-400, 409-415. prefer to download judgment from icj website section 18 the law of war case 39 the caroline incident 2. more, digest of int�l law 412 (1906) case 40 legality of the threat or use of unclear weapons (advisory opinion of icj, 1996) case 41 case concerning oil platforms �iran v. us (2003, icj) analysis and discussion what s the right of self-defense? what s legality of using force? epps international law chapter 10 the use of force including war abstract of case 38 epps pp.391-392, prefer to download advisory opinion of case 40 from icj website week 10 section 19 international humanitarian law case 42 the prosecutor v. drazen erdemovic (icty, 1997) case 43 the prosecutor v. kajelijeli (ictr, 2003) analysis and discussion what�s international humanitarian law? what�s the war crime and the crime of anti-humanitarian epps international law chapter 10 the use of force including war course requirements: the students are required to take this course in order to understand the basic principles of international law and main sections of contemporary international laws for further studies of the private international laws and the international economic laws. it is the hope that students will improve their capabilities to analyze the issues of international laws and to practice international laws. the methods of teaching include the lectures, discussion, questions and answers by campus network. the students are encouraged to make their presentations and to exchange views in the classroom. it is arranged for several international moot courts for practice of international law. grading: contribution to class discussion 10% completion of assignments 10% oral presentation 10% final exam 70% supplemental reading materials summary of icj cases 1. north sea continental shelf case germany v. denmark and netherlands (1969, icj) p.1 2. genocide case bosnia-herzegovina v. serbia/montenegro (2007, icj) p. 5 3.case concerni .5?abopuv^`abhijuv�����������������ui^rdh��hj'�5�cjkho(h��hj'�5�cjkhhj'�5�cjkho(h�{hj'�cjkho(h�{hj'�cjkhh2grcjkho(h�1pcjkho(h�*vcjkho(hj'�cjkhh, hj'�5�cjh, h, 5�cjaj h2grajo(h�1ph�`�ajo(h�1ph, ajh, h, 5�cjh�1ph�1p5�cjajo(h�1ph�1p5�cjajh�1p5�cjo(5pij��� e c d o � � � � � � �����������������������`��gd�@gd, ����wdn�^�`���gdj'�gdj'�gd�1p �� wd�`�� gd�1p ��wd�`��gd�1p �� wd`�� gd2gr��۬��v���������������������������    �����ȿ���������������ፂv�j��_v�h�*v5�cjkhhwubhj'�cjkhh9h9cjkho(h%m�h%m�cjkho(h95�cjkho(h, 5�cjkho(hwubhj'�cjkho(h�q�cjkho(h?7cjkho(hf�cjkho(h%m�cjkho(h��hj'�5�cjkho(h�*v5�cjkho(h��hj'�5�cjkhhj'�cjkho(h, cjkho(!    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malaysia/singapore (2008 icj) p.99 9. case concerning united states diplomatic and consular staff in tehran us v. iran (1980 icj) p.118 10. case concerning avena and other mexican nationals mexico v. us (2004, icj) p. 122 11. case concerning military and paramilitary activities in and against nicaragua nicaragua v. us (1984, icj) p. 142 12. legality of the threat or use of unclear weapons (advisory opinion of icj, 1996) p.154     page  page 7 t���ܨ��w�������0�1�2�s������.�/�f�����������������������gd�o� ��wdb`��gd�o� �bwd�`�bgd�o�gd_ �gd{"� �hwd�`�hgd;c� ���vdrwdv�^� `���gd;c����wd�^�`���gd;c��ۨܨ����������!�"�u�v�w�z��������������������2�5�����������ÿ�����}t��d�x��o�xh_ �6�cjo(h_ �h_ �5�cjo(h �h_ �6�b*cjo(ph�h{"�5�cjo(h_ �h_ �cjo( h_ �cjo(h_ �5�cjo(ht]h_ �cjo(hx8h_ �cjo(hwp�h_ �5�6�cjo(h_ �h_ �5�6�cjo(h{"�h{"�5�cjo( h{"�cjo(h?gfh;ccjo( 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